Founding GLBC member turns 97!

Jan Lawler bdy

Jan Lawless is a founding member of our club and for nearly 40 years, has played (and still plays) bridge at Great lakes Bridge Club (GLBC) regularly. At 97, Jan’s energy, humour and indomitable spirit continues to inspire us all, and we’re grateful for her long involvement in and work for the club (Read more of Jan’s story below). We wish her many happy returns on her birthday and many more to come!

Jan was born in Sydney on 11 March 1922, and attended PLC Pymble, including as a boarder. During WWII, feeling the need to contribute, she spent 6 years nursing at the Sydney Children Hospital. She married in 1950 and had 5 children. The family moved north to her present residence and farm at Failford in the early 1970s. Although widowed later that decade, Jan — a natural on horseback — continued (until recently!) to run the farm single-handedly. Jan will celebrate her 97th birthday with her 3 daughters, and many grandchildren and great grandchildren in Forster and the family home on Monday.

Jan’s love of bridge began in 1980 — she is a founding member of our club with her great friend, Mrs Peggy White (see history). Since that time, Jan has held almost all committee positions and directed games for many years. She continues to play at least 3 times a week and doesn’t look like giving up bridge anytime soon. One story (of many!) tells of Jan riding her beloved horse through the flooded waters of the Wallamba River to her car parked on the Forster side – to get to bridge of course!