Points from the committee meeting

GLBC President Dick Barry commenced the meeting by introducing Mike O'Halloran who gave a detailed presentation and demonstration of a defibrillator. Mike is to approach Federal MP Dr David Gillespie to find out if any grant money would be available to our club to purchase our own defibrillator.

A fire blanket has been purchased and is prominently displayed in the clubroom kitchen. 

Follow-up beginners' lessons are planned - watch this space.

Our systems cards are to be updated.

Henry Hudson has set up a new club's energy provider for our clubhouse - last month's bill showed a considerable reduction.

The re-introduction of free games has received very positive feedback from members.

After a lengthy discussion, the committee voted that no in-house congresses would be held in 2023, due to the disproportionate amount of time and effort required for their organisation. Further, ongoing issues around COVID, particularly regarding food presentation, led to this decision.

Other points from the minutes of this meeting may be viewed on the clubhouse noticeboard.