Notice of 2020 GLBC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Details: Thursday 20th August at 11:00 a.m. at the Great Lakes Bridge Clubhouse

ELECTION OF COMMITTEE: Nomination forms for Executive and Committee positions will be available on Thursdays at the Club House between 10:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. OR by contacting a Committee member. Nomination forms must be handed to the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM. Any forms handed in after that date – namely Thursday 6th August – will not be accepted. All completed nomination forms will be displayed on the Club’s noticeboard and on this website. If the number of nominations received equals the number of vacancies to be filled the persons nominated will  be deemed to be elected. If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled a ballot shall be held. If insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacancies on the Committee, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be elected and further nominations will be received at the AGM.

NOTICE OF MOTIONS FOR AGM: All notices of motions for the AGM must be duly given prior to the AGM.

VOTING: Should more nominations than positions be received then a ballot shall take place and a list of nominees will be displayed on this website. If a ballot is requir d, Absentee Voting will be available. The secretary will be available to receive Absentee Votes at times to be announced at a later date, if required. 

QUORUM: For the AGM to take place,33 GLBC members (Associate Members do not have voting rights) need to be physically present at the commencement of the AGM. The club’s constitution does not have any provision for Proxy Voting.

ATTENDANCE:  Due to the continuing COVID-19 situation and social distancing regulations, those intending to attend the AGM need to RESERVE a seat - please call GLBC President Ken Bridges on 0432 543 421. 

EMAIL ADDRESSES:  Members who do not have an email address or whose email address the club does not have on record will be contacted by phone regarding the AGM.  If you know someone who does not receive emails please forward this information to them.

IF you have any enquiries regarding the AGM please phone Ken  Bridges.