Update 4 COVID-19 – GLBC remains closed - watch this space

(The information below has been emailed to GLBC members and is re-published here for non-members and/or other interested parties.)

A recent special meeting of the Great Lakes Bridge Club (GLBC) committee members and directors reviewed Federal, State and Local Government COVID-19 regulations with an eye to re-opening our club for duplicate bridge games. Unfortunately, after much discussion, it was agreed that the GLBC is unable to comply with all of the current regulations. We look forward to a further relaxation of restrictions governing social distancing, the handling of bridge paraphernalia (cards, pens, Bridgemates etc) and venue cleaning.

We would still appreciate an indication of your thoughts on this matter. Please feel free to fill out this anonymous questionnaire (devised by the NSW Bridge Federation, comments and results remain solely with GLBC) and put any suggestions at the end of the form.

Our committee’s considerations were informed by a general guide on COVID-19 the Australian Bridge Federation (ABF) (link). We concur with the ABF President’s closing comments: “We are all missing our face-to-face bridge, but the health and safety of all players and officials has to be the number one priority. Please be patient and stay safe.”